Oh, and...
Oh, and I forgot to write about the country concert I went to. You're going to love the photos. When I get a chance, I'll tell you all about it.
Happy Holidays, again!
...And whine at dinner too! Or all day if you must. Life in France is like a walk in the park---plenty of leisure time.
I'm sorry, did you say "country" concert? Like Country Music or music out in the countryside?
Just curious little lady. Why one time my paw and I went fishin' and when we got down to the fishin' hole there was a feller playin' the geetar. We sat a spel and listened until we realized that that feller wasn't playin any music. There wasn't any strings on his geetar. He told us he was playin' "air geetar". When we heard that we busted up laughin'. Then my paw laughed so hard he barfed right into the fishin' hole. You should of seen them fish go for that. I guess paw musta had some corn for supper. Anyway we just reached in and grabbed some of them fish right out of the water with our bare hands.
We gave a couple to the air geetar guy. We found out later that he was legendary country music star Johnny Cash. He wrote that famous song "Corn Fed Fish".
Now there's a tall tale for your grandkids.
Did you say "country"? Genny calls it "crunchy music". That just cracks me up. Speakin' of being cracked up did I tell you about the time my cousin Jake and I went fishin'? Well that's a story for another blog. My grandma used to blog. The chickens loved it.
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