Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Settling In...

This is a view from my apartment.
Sunset from apartment
Church Saint Laurent next to my school and apartment.
View from apartment. Picture of school.


I made it and things are starting to settle down. My first week here has been mixed with several emotions of being really happy and excited to sadness, wanting to return home & questions of 'Why?' I've been speaking more than I ever have in France, but it's been frustrating all the same since my vocab is out the window and my grammar is not that great. It's odd that I'm speaking more under those circumstances....hmmmm. However, things are starting to improve and at least now I've found somewhere to use the internet. I've made a couple of friends outside of the school environment and also with a few of the professors. Hope everyone's doing well.

I will post photos of my first week in Nogent soon. If you'd like to chat over email, email me & I promise I'll write back with a personalized email!

Cheers, Jen


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Greg K. said...

First post :)

I felt the same happy, sad, want to go back to Seattle, and "why am I here?" stuff when I started law school. At least the last two go away after a while.


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